Results found 32 - 46

Box Delicate


Box Delicate is a wonderful piece of jewelry for every gentle lady.

Bouquet Spring


A mixed bouquet of spring flowers and greenery.

Box "Colorful Delicious


The box with suitable for people who love different look, beauty, fruit and candy. Important: We arrange the box with seasonal flowers and fruits!!!

Boho Bouquet


Boho bouquet with 5 roses, mix seasоnal flowers and various greens and dry grasses. This bouquet is suitable for people with different taste and art attitude.

Pink tenderness


A bouquet of seasonal flowers that would please any sophisticated lady. If we don't have a given flower, we replace it with a similar one.

Spring gardan with scandinavian moss


Who doesn't love spring? A good solution to please from child to adult. We select the color and the pot in which they are planted according to our availability in the boutique

Gift card " Sharma Tsvet" 3


This voucher can be given as a gift to anyone who loves flowers... The voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. The recipient must present it to us when he decides to come to our boutique.

Vase red roses


This vase is a wonderful choice when you want to please a loved one. Classic and stylish... If you do not want the roses to be red please let us know so we can replace them with another available color

Gift Card "Sharma Tsvet"


This voucher can be given as a gift to anyone who loves flowers... The voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. The recipient must present it to us when he decides to come to our boutique.

Gift card "Sharma Tsvet" 1


This voucher can be given as a gift to anyone who loves flowers... The voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of issue. The recipient must present it to us when he decides to come to our bout

Red Roses in vase


Vase with red 25 roses ... Suitable for any personal occasion and people who love classic style.

Box Taste and color


"Taste and Color" box is suitable for people with colorful souls and emotions. The box contains seasonal fruits, flowers and Raffaello candies.

Indoor flowers in pot


A garden of potted flowers is always a good gift for any houseplant lover. Always select well-matched plants that are treated identically regarding watering and light.

Box with champagne and candy


The box of champagne and candies Ferrero Rocher is suitable for people who love chocolate and connoisseurs of good sparkling wines, both for ladies and men. The box has 35 candies. Gift card is free. Place your order 2-3 days in advance because the production of the box takes time.



Roses, seasonal flowers, dried grass, feathers and art papeр. For kind people with taste!

Boho passion


A style that is for cents! Different, modern and a lot of art!

Vase with lilies and roses


Glass vase with lily and roses a lot of aroma and tenderness!

Mix Seasonal Flowers


Mixed bouquet of seasonal flowers for lovers of color!

101 Roses for lovely people


The bouquet includes 51 red roses and 50 white roses, which is wrapped in art paper! The size of the bouquet speaks a lot! It takes a minimum of 3 days to order!

Black box with orange flowers


Black box with orange seasonal flowers. The style is accentuated by the box and the orange flowers speak of warmth and coziness!

Eternal rose


The eternal rose is a kind of dehydrated rose. The rose has a shelf life of at least 2 years without changing its size. For proper storage rose is required not to stand in the sun. Very different and modern gift! You can check our available colors of eternal roses before ordering by phone +359883433447 or by writing to us by e-mail:

Big Box with flowers and candy


The box is arranged in rows, It includes roses, chrysanthemums, decorative elements, greenery, candy Ferefo Roshen 9 pieces.

Colorful Bouquet


A flower bouquet includes a lily, a mix of chrysanthemums, a mix of geberis, a soligago wrapped in sackcloth and art paper. Suitable for any occasion birthday, name day, for surprise.

Bouquet Love


The bouquet includes 7 pcs red roses, 5 pcs lisianthus, 7 pcs red spray roses, gisophila, solidago, greens, packaging.

Bouquet Gently


Bouquet Gently includes lily, chrysanthemum, roses and alstroemeria. It is suitable for people who love the gentle and stylish.

Art Bouquet


Art bouquet with roses, chrysanthemums, hypericum, greenery, paint brushes. This bouquet is suitable for artists and artists.

Bouquet Smile


Bouquet of roses, chrysanthemum, lisianthus, wrapped in art paper.

Gift basket 2


The basket includes 1 Bulgarian wine of your choice - white, rosé or red, sweet cookies, packaged Rafaello candies, Rose in a pot and a package combined with all things, gift card. Suitable gift for lovers of wine and sweet temptations!

Wine - rose, white, red


We suggest you choose rosé, white or red wine. All our wines are Bulgarian and we guarantee their quality! A suitable gift for wine connoisseurs!

Mini Bonsai


Mini bonsai is a good and different gift solution for people who love to grow flowers! He likes the soil to be always moist, he likes a bright place, but without direct sunlight.

Mix pot flowers


Mix of 3 blooming potted flowers, packed in combination with the colors of the flowers. We select the types of flowers according to our current availability in our boutique. Suitable gift for people who love flowers!

Box Envelope with seasonal flowers


Box in the form of an envelope, arranged with seasonal flowers. Different way to say "You are special".